Sunday, July 13, 2008

last post from Senegal!

hello everyone!

i can't believe that this is going to be my last post from Senegal! it is so unreal to me that my time here is actually up. to just think, a week from right now i will be sitting in my air conditioned home blows my mind. im looking forward to being home and sleeping in my bug free sand free bed, but im going to really miss the friends and family i have here.

there isn't much to say, and my time is running out. I will post a bunch of pictures and a reflection when i get home.

thank you so much for your prayers. don't stop praying for my family, they need your prayers, and more importantly, they need jesus.

pray for us on thursday, we all are going to be leaving our families, and its going to be hard.

i love you all and will see you SOON!

Khady Sylla

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hey! here are some pics from this weekend! a bunch of us got fodun aka henna tatoos. they are super fun!

Hello yall!

Things are going well in Senegal this week. I just got bqck from a very relaxing get away weekend. we spent the weekend in a place called saly, and it was absolutely georgeous. We spent qlot of time just hanging out and tqlking about whats going on in our villages. It is always so awesome to hear qbout the ways that God is working.

This last week we kept busy around the house.

There isn't a whole lot of crazy stuff going on, just praising the Lord in all that we do.

Pray that we would finish strong these lqst 2 weeks!

love yall!