Sunday, June 22, 2008

My goodness. Another week in Senegal has flown by. TIme here just seems to slip away so quickly. I only have four weeks left in this place.

I just got back from another getaway weekend. It was so wonderful to come together with other believers and just praise God.

There isn't a whole lot new going on. We are continuing to work on building relationships and show Christ's love in all the little things we do.

Today we had an awesome time of worship before we left to come back to our homes. God was all over the room, you couldn't help but feel his presence. While we were worshiping God just broke my heart for my family here. While singing it hit me liek a ton of bricks the reality of the fact that my family is going to go to hell because they don't put their faith in Jesus. Without Jesus, my family, these people i have grown to love, are going to suffer for eternity. It was such a heartbreaking realization, and i experience a sorrow that I have never encountered in my life. It just sunk in that, these poeple that i love so much are so lost. But it gave me a even stronger desire to make sure I show Christ in all that I do. Please pray that my family would have hearts that are ready and willing to hear the wonderful message of Christ. Pray that they would see his peace and grace in our lives. Pray that we would lovew them the way Jesus would love them. Pray that they would see the freedom we have in Christ. They live such ritualistic lives, mindlesssly praying prayers 5 times a day that they don't understand, practicing a religion that they don't really get fullfilment from. Its just the religion of their ancestors. A ritual that they are suppsed to do. They recieve no joy from it. It breaks my heart to watch my family move through their prayers without thinking. As children of God we have a God who loves us, and wants to be in this beautiful relationship with us. He longs to be close with us, and they don't have that.

I'm looking forward to this week, and I can't wait to see what all God has in store.

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