Sunday, June 29, 2008

another post... with PICTURES!

hey everyone!
this week has been an awesome one! We have been staying busy around the house helping out our family. Last night my roommate and I cooked dinner for our family. That was hilarious! We made spaghetti and sweet tea. We thought it was great, but im not so sure our family did. I think they really did appreciate the effort though, they at least didn't have to cook that night.

Here are some pictures of my family:

This is Ndaye. She is the "head" of our house. She's like a grandma to us, she never wants us to help clean up and she's always making sure we eat a ton! She is such an awesome woman. She also likes to randomly bust out karate moves. She is pretty much my hero!
Here is me and my lovely roomate Seynabou and baby Njaga. My roomate is pretty much the coolest!
This is Yandaye. She cooks lunch every day. She is so much fun. she loves to joke around with us, and she loves to dance.
And this is Papa. He is ALWAYS eating something that shouldn't be eaten, like sand, or rocks. But with a face like that, how could you get angry at him?
And this is Mama. She is full of attitude, as you can tell. Her favorite game is take my picture and then show me. haha. She is a blast to play with.

I will try to post more pictures later, but at least you get a little glimpse of my family!

I love you all!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Brooke- Loved the blog- Now I have faces to go with my prayers. Love, Aunt Nancy